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Each year, the SOX Pro Group launches the State of the Market survey to capture key trends and insights directly from practitioners in the industry. The 2023 survey wrapped up earlier this year, and we're excited to present the key findings to you in our annual benchmarking report. Download...
2023 SOX Pro Group SoTM Report Final.pdf
Each year, the State of Market survey launches to capture key trends and insights from professionals in the SOX, internal controls, and internal audit professionals. In 2023, over 160 professionals participated in the survey, providing valuable insights into the industry and current events. ...
State of the Market Survey 2023- Full Dataset.xlsx
Key Findings from the 2017 State of the SOX/IC Market Report: Overall SOX compliance costs remained relatively flat from the previous year. More organizations are bringing SOX compliance functions in-house. The total number of internal control failures increased from the previous year...
Key Findings from the 2018 State of the SOX/IC Market Survey: The overall cost of SOX/IC compliance was flat or has increased. Co-sourcing of compliance functions has increased. Changes in accounting policy are the most significant challenge for SOX/IC professionals. Manual...
Key Findings from the 2020 State of the SOX/IC Market Survey: C-suite places a high value on SOX Program. Efficiency, cybersecurity, and regulatory compliance reign. Professionals are optimizing SOX to add value. No single technology stands out #SOXPro #ProcessImprovement ...
Key Findings from the 2021 State of the SOX/IC Market Survey: Most companies believe they weathered the pandemic well. Key controls are increasing, and revenue is the guide The technology picture remains fractured and inefficient. Analytics and automation aren't yet widely used. ...
2021 State of the SOX Report.pdf
Key findings from the 2019 State of the SOX/Internal Controls Market Survey: SOX Professionals continue to rely on desktop software as their primary tool, but it's not the only technology they use to support SOX Compliance. Interest in and use of advanced technology in the SOX function...
Please enjoy the recording of the SOX Pro Group's May 15, 2023 webinar "Raising the Bar on Regulatory Compliance Programs". Webinar Description The U.S. Justice Department has unveiled new policies in recent months meant to encourage more disclosure of corporate misconduct, in exchange for...
Final Presentation_FY23Q2_SOX Pro_Raising the bar on regulatory compliance programs.pptx
Q1 Meeting: A Q&A on SEC Rulemaking and Enforcement with David Peavler The SEC under Chair Gary Gensler has been more aggressive in its rulemaking and use of enforcement actions than commissions of the past, former SEC Regional Director David Peavler said at the Q1 SEC Pro Group...