Be Respectful
Don’t be hateful. We don’t allow content that attacks, intimidates, or threatens individuals or groups because of their race, ethnicity, national origin, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, religious affiliation, or disability status. Don't use racial, religious, or other slurs.
Don’t engage in unwanted advances. We don’t allow unwanted expressions of attraction, desire, requests for a romantic relationship, sexual advances or innuendo, or lewd remarks. Don't use Pro Groups to pursue romantic connections, ask for romantic dates, or provide sexual commentary on someone’s appearance.
Don’t harass or bully. We don’t allow bullying or harassment. This includes abusive language, and revealing others’ personal or sensitive information (aka “doxing”).
Don’t threaten, incite, or promote violence. We don’t allow threatening or inciting violence of any kind.
Don’t post political propaganda. We don’t allow any political propaganda or extremist political views to be posted on our platform. And we don’t allow any individuals who affiliate with such organizations or groups to promote their activities.