Create your Credly account

Click the ‘Accept Your Badge’ button in the post-event email you receive 

  1. Open the email you received from ‘Workiva via Credly’

  2. Click the ‘Accept Your Badge’ button - a new page will open

  3. Click the Create Account button in the top right hand corner

  4. Fill in the fields and complete your account setup

Go directly to and create a new account with your email

  1. Go to, scroll to the bottom of the form, click on “Create account”. (Note: Complete the form with the email you registered for the event with to link to the correct information. Use the same email to register for all events.)

  2. Fill in the fields and complete your account setup (Note: You may receive an account activation email to complete the process.)

Quick Links

Access Your CPE

Accept your Credly badges via email 

You may receive an email from ‘Workiva via Credly’ ( containing a link to accept and manage your new badge.
Accept your Credly badges via your Credly dashboard

Login to your account and check updates in your Dashboard to find and accept new badges.

  1. Login to Credly.

  2. Click the profile icon in the top right hand corner and select Dashboard.

  3. Under “Welcome, First Name” – find any new badges. Accept to manage your CPE.

Turn on Automatically Accept Badges in Credly

Configure your Credly account to automatically accept any badge you receive from certain organizations. The badge is immediately ready to manage and download in your library. You will not receive an email notification. 

  1. Login to Credly.

  2. Click the profile icon in the top right hand corner and select Settings.

  3. Select Organizations in the left hand menu.

  4. Under Auto Accept, ensure Auto Accept is toggled ON (dark green) for Workiva.


Review Credly’s help articles on accessing and accepting badges here.

Manage your CPE

Download a certificate

  1. Login to Credly.

  2. Click the profile icon in the top right hand corner and select Profile.

  3. Scroll to your Badge Wallet and click the badge you would like to download as a PDF.

  4. Click the three dots to the right of the green Share button and select Download Certificate.

  5. Click the green Download PDF button on the popup screen.

 Share a badge on social media

  1. Login to Credly.

  2. Click the profile icon in the top right hand corner and select Profile.

  3. Scroll to your Badge Wallet and click the badge you would like to share.

  4. Click the green Share button.

  5. Under Promote, select the social media platform you want to share your badge on. Credly will take you to the platform’s website to complete the required steps.

Send or post a badge directly

  1. Login to Credly.

  2. Click the profile icon in the top right hand corner and select Profile.

  3. Scroll to your Badge Wallet and click the badge you would like to share.

  4. Click the green Share button.

  5. Under Publish, you can email, copy a link for, or grab an embed code for your badge to send directly to another person or add to a website page.


Review Credly’s help articles on managing badges here.


Help! I didn’t receive an email notification for my new badge

If you don’t receive a notification email about a Credly badge, use these steps to access your badge:

  1. Login to Credly to see if the badges are in your Badge Wallet.

  2. Check your Credly profile settings to confirm email notifications are not muted and Auto Accept is turned off (see Accessing Credly Badges above).

  3. Check your email spam folder for emails from

  4. Ensure your email has marked as a Contact or Safe Sender.

  5. Confirm which email address you registered with – follow the steps below to add or consolidate Credly accounts.

If you are still not receiving emails from Credly, contact

Which email address will my Credly badges be sent to?

Pro Groups issues CPE based on the email address that you used to register for an event. 

What if I’ve used more than one email address to register for events?

If you’ve used more than one email address to register for events, you can add multiple email addresses to your Credly account. To add email addresses, 

  1. Login to Credly

  2. Click the profile icon in the top right corner

  3. Select Settings

  4. On the first page, click the “Add an email address” link

What do I do if I change jobs or email addresses?

Follow the steps above to add multiple email addresses to your account. You can also change the email address associated with your Credly account.

Can I find all CPE credits from all Pro Groups events in Credly?

As of June 2023, Pro Groups uses Credly to manage CPE issued from all virtual and in person events. Contact Pro Groups at to ask about or receive a copy of any CPE certificate that was issued to you prior to June 2023.

CPE Sponsors

Workiva is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State boards of accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be submitted to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors through its website:


Participants must participate in group interactions during the event, and participants must stay for the duration of the event, as described in the event details, in order to be eligible for CPE. For information regarding administrative policies such as a complaint or refund, please contact