Developing a High Performing Team: Tips for Recruiting and Retaining Audit Talent

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When:  Apr 23, 2024 from 01:00 PM to 02:00 PM (CT)
Associated with  SOX Professionals Group

The pressure is real.

Finding and retaining qualified audit staff is increasingly challenging these days. With organizations facing growing external pressures, such as economic uncertainties, ever-evolving and complex regulations, industry disruptions, and technology changes, the audit skill sets needed for success have expanded correspondingly.

Audit committees and executive management continue to raise the expectations for internal audit teams to provide greater strategic value in addition to the compliance assurance already provided.

The challenge is real.

High-performing internal auditors are hard to come by. Individuals need to have the technical and softer skill sets to be successful and they can be hard to acquire or build. And harder to keep. Sometimes, experienced internal auditors move into other parts of the company. Other times, they may get poached by other companies.

 In this session, walk away with strategies and best practices to attract, retain, and develop great internal audit talent.

 Learning Objectives:

  •  Build and implement an effective staff career and skills development program to identify, acquire, develop and retain staff.

  • Guide employees through a strategic career mapping process.

  •  Leverage staff development programs to attract qualified talent in the hiring process.

Workiva, national sponsor of the SOX Pro Group, offers 1 complimentary CPE credit for this webinar.

Duration: 60 minutes

Field of Study: Accounting

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#SOX Pro
#Internal Audit