The S&P ESG 500 has outperformed the overall index for the last 5 years
Deloitte has a study our on the impact of ESG on M&A
Bob Hirth
co-vice chair, SASB, Managing Director, Protiviti
SASB, Protiviti
Original Message:
Sent: 07-03-2024 10:15 AM
From: Emmanuel Lee
Subject: The ROI of ESG for private companies
Hi all. I am not sure if this is the right forum to ask this question, but what are your thoughts and comments on the impact of having proper ESG governance and strong processes and controls on the ESG reporting process (including GHG disclosure) on the enterprise value of a private company if it goes public or gets acquired? This could depend on the industry, but I am curious whether making a significant investment in this particular area makes sense for a private company in general. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and comments.
Emmanuel Lee
Director of Accounting
Greenlight Financial Technology, Inc.